I wish I would write more on my blog but lately, I don't feel like there isn't anything worth writing about. Maybe it's so easy to down play the favor of God and his faithfulness in my daily life or maybe I don't feel like it worthy of merit for me to write about, I don't know exactly why but it is hard to try to put my daily life into words.
I don't want to turn this into a never ending stream of twitter/tumblr posts that are pointless and centered around what I am doing next. During the last outreach I was on a had the honor of meeting a Pastor Sam Song. He is a Korean-American pastoring in Hong Kong at a church by the name of Solomon's Porch. I asked him if he had a website or blog page that I could follow and he responded by saying something along the lines of :
I don't want to turn this into a never ending stream of twitter/tumblr posts that are pointless and centered around what I am doing next. During the last outreach I was on a had the honor of meeting a Pastor Sam Song. He is a Korean-American pastoring in Hong Kong at a church by the name of Solomon's Porch. I asked him if he had a website or blog page that I could follow and he responded by saying something along the lines of :
"The more and more I think on being a Christian the more and more I see that Facebook, blog sites, and twitter-like websites are the opposite of what I need to be. Being a Christian means that I need to be more Jesus-centered and having these applications make me more me-centered."
When I heard this it resonated with me in a way that it makes me wonder about our lives with these kinds of computer programs and applications. I know that some people might think that this is pretty extreme, but its true. As a Christian, I need to make Jesus the center of everything I do and I feel like its a fine line between reporting back in what the Lord has me doing and me feeling like I'm just bragging about my life. I just want Jesus and more of Him; to know Him to the fullness that I am allowed to and to be like Him. I want to, no, I need to make Him the center of everything I do because I know that without Him I can do nothing.
By the end of this post I would have written over 27 "i's" and Jesus only about 4 times including this sentence. I guess it's a bit over-dramatic but still I can't help but feel that I'm making me the center instead of giving the glory to God.