The vision the Lord has given me for my life has really taken shape in this season of my life. At the beginning of this year I feel like the Lord was talking to me about what my vision and calling is.
My long-term vision:
- To see the first and second commandment restored.
The first commandment is for man to love the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. The second is like it, to love our neighbors as ourselves.
-To release Asian-Americans into missions.
The Lord is calling Asian-Americans into missions but we are too concerned with worldly matters. I want to see the thorny soil turned into fertile soil that will multiply.
-To preach the gospel from Asia back to Jerusalem.
When Jesus returns He will return the same way He left. My heart is to see revival come back to North Korea and partner with the Back to Jerusalem movement from China to see the gospel preached and Jesus made known to the 10/40 window. I believe when Jesus comes back He will return to Jerusalem.
In December of 2009 I spent some time seeking the Lord and I felt that He showed me Ezekiel 33:1-20. This passage of scripture pertains more to what I feel the Lord has called me to.
My calling is:
-To be a messenger to the body of the Christ.
The Lord has called me to speak the message that is on the Lord's heart. It isn't that all people cannot hear the Lord but that He has specifically called me to be a watchman on the wall.
-To help prepare the body of the Christ.
The Church has been mistaught in many ways in what it means to be "Christians". I feel that the Lord has called me to re-teach the character and nature of God, that He is a good God and He is loving, who we are, and what our role is.