Samuel Choi is a 21 year old young man who is passionate about Yeshua the Messiah also known as Jesus the Christ. Samuel or Sam currently serves with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) as staff on the University of the Nations Campus.

Sam did his Discipleship Training School (DTS) in July quarter of 2008. In the beginning of that year he was finishing his second semester of his freshman year of college. During that time he decided not to return to school in the fall but to take a year off to pursue music. In the mean time his mother was interceding on his behalf to find more direction for his life. A suggestion to audit a DTS in the April quarter was made and through the sovereignty of God Sam chose to go to Hawaii. He spent two weeks there and the Lord met him in an incredible way. The outreach for his DTS was in England and Ireland.
After DTS, he decided to stay on with YWAM Kona at the University of the Nations and staff in the prayer and worship department. For a year Sam has been going deep into worship, prayer, the Word, and relationship with the Lord.
Currently he is staffing a DTS called Call2All and is leading an outreach to India and China.