Sunday, January 23, 2011

Find the center

I wish I would write more on my blog but lately, I don't feel like there isn't anything worth writing about. Maybe it's so easy to down play the favor of God and his faithfulness in my daily life or maybe I don't feel like it worthy of merit for me to write about, I don't know exactly why but it is hard to try to put my daily life into words.
I don't want to turn this into a never ending stream of twitter/tumblr posts that are pointless and centered around what I am doing next.  During the last outreach I was on a had the honor of meeting a Pastor Sam Song.  He is a Korean-American pastoring in Hong Kong at a church by the name of Solomon's Porch.  I asked him if he had a website or blog page that I could follow and he responded by saying something along the lines of :

"The more and more I think on being a Christian the more and more I see that Facebook, blog sites, and twitter-like websites are the opposite of what I need to be. Being a Christian means that I need to be more Jesus-centered and having these applications make me more me-centered."

When I heard this it resonated with me in a way that it makes me wonder about our lives with these kinds of computer programs and applications.  I know that some people might think that this is pretty extreme, but its true.  As a Christian, I need to make Jesus the center of everything I do and I feel like its a fine line between reporting back in what the Lord has me doing and me feeling like I'm just bragging about my life.  I just want Jesus and more of Him; to know Him to the fullness that I am allowed to and to be like Him.  I want to, no, I need to make Him the center of everything I do because I know that without Him I can do nothing.  

By the end of this post I would have written over 27 "i's" and Jesus only about 4 times including this sentence. I guess it's a bit over-dramatic but still I can't help but feel that I'm making me the center instead of giving the glory to God.

Monday, January 3, 2011

and a Happy New Year.

I can't believe that it's 2011 already. I feel like it crept up on me and it doesn't feel like a new year. It just feels like one giant blur. It doesn't feel like I've been home for 4 months either but all of it has come. It is 2011, I have been home for 4 months and there are new things to look forward too.

As I think back on 2010, I feel like it was a long and crazy journey with the Lord. From staffing a DTS in January and taking a team to India and China in April, and then staffing a second DTS in July and coming home, it was a journey of obedience to the Lord with emotional, spiritual, and physical turbulence along the way but in the end it all pans out. India and China were such exciting times. There is something about being with the poor in spirit and material wealth, and in places where the gospel is not as welcome or freely being preached. It definitely had hard points. Well, most of it was hard and it had harder moments but in those moments I found that His grace is sufficient for me. Then the school I staffed in July was just a breath of fresh air. Recovering from the highs and lows of the previous outreach as well as being a part of a group of people that were in one accord in hearts and minds for the Lord.

But all of this is done and there are new things to look forward to. A new journey, new adventures, new struggles, new victories and new beginnings. As we start this new year I ask you to pray, not only for me, but also for yourselves. Ask the Lord about the things he wants to do through you, what he is asking of you, and what he has in store for you. Also pray about what he is going to do in the earth this year and partner with him in intercession.

For me, I will continue working at Target for the next month maybe 2. But in February I plan on traveling with a friend of mine interning under him. I'll start sometime in February and go for the next 2-3 years. Pray for me as I continue on this journey with the Lord.

I'll be giving more details on the trip in the weeks to come.

Happy new year.