Monday, November 11, 2013

A short one

David's tent is over and we are now about to leave for Israel.  David's tent was successfully completed with over 1000 hours of worship logged through various bands from different states and some from other countries.  

As I write this, I am hours away from leaving for the airport. This past weekend we had provision come in as we were prayed for and commissioned out from Embassy Church. 

A quick story.  One of my students did not have his passport to go.  He had submitted an application for renewal but his passport had not come in for over a month even with expedited services.  This weekend we searched frantically for options and realized that this Monday was a federal holiday so the post office would not be open.  After praying and trying to find other options, his passport arrived this morning.  Some how he received his passport in the mail today!  God is so good!

Please keep us in your prayers as we go to Israel.