Friday, April 9, 2010

Faithful, He's always faithful

Valeri and Jonathan Faubel 
Today is the day part of the team should have left for India but we didn't. After deciding that we should split our travel agent told us that the next flight available was Friday and by then the whole team would have gotten their visas so now we will all leave as a team.

During our time in Honolulu we have been struggling with our budget. We did not plan to be here as long as we are and the cost of living in Honolulu is much higher than Kona, which is much higher than the Continental United States. By two-thirds way through this outreach we will most likely run out of money.

Our team has been praying for provision and the favor of the Lord. It's a real struggle being on outreach in a location such as this not having planned for it. But even in the midst of this the Lord has been faithful and true. This couple that we met through a friend that has offered to take us in for housing. We were so grateful because they have offered to also pay for our groceries while we stay at their house. The house is a very small 2 bedroom apartment but we are managing to cram 5 guys in the living room and 5 girls in the bedroom. Oh I forgot to mention that they have only been married for 4 WEEKS.  

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