Sunday, April 6, 2014


As the title suggests, I am engaged! I proposed to Lexi Stevens on Feb. 21st at the National Arboretum.

During this past Discipleship Training School (DTS) I staffed, I happened to befriend a young lady who was also on staff. She was not staffing the DTS but was on staff with Washington House of Prayer (WHOP). When I began staffing at the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) DC base, I did so without the intention of walking out with a relationship after finishing the DTS; surprise, surprise, a little before the end of the lecture phase, we started dating. Following the lecture phase was the outreach phase. Usually the outreach portion would take the DTS to another country and my team would eventually go overseas, but thankfully, I spent the first forty days of outreach helping facilitate David's Tent DC. This allowed me to build more relationship with her. We would work together at David's Tent and also by preparing meals for the students during a part of the event. 

Before New Years, I went to Seattle, WA to visit her and her family. I spent a little over a week there getting to know her family. I had a wonderful time there. Although, I unfortunately dislocated my shoulder hiking with Lexi, her sister and brother-in-law (but that story is for another time). After meeting her family, we flew back to DC to start staffing together. I didn't end up staffing very long though. I needed to get a ring for her. After being back for 5 days the Lord provided a job for me. 

For a little over a month, I worked as a fire watcher. Supposedly, there is a law that how a person must be present and watching property in cases where the fire alarm system has been shut off for maintenance or repair. It keeps companies and insurance groups from lawsuits.  So I watch buildings and make sure they are not on fire. Through this job, and with help from my dad, I was able to purchase the perfect ring. 

I'm currently not fire watching but am looking for work. While we were both involved in YWAM Kona, we didn't meet until YWAM DC. June 22 is the date we have set for the wedding but after that, we don't have any solid plans yet. Lexi and I both have a heart for missions but we want to be obedient to what Jesus says no matter what. 

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