I want to write an update, I really do. There is so much to tell but I don't know where to begin.
Firstly, it feels good to be back in community with people that I know. Being surrounded in a community where the center of all that we do is Jesus has been refreshing and very life giving.
Being back in Kona I have been plugging back in as Prayer room staff, leading worship and helping lead worship. Since I arrived near the end of the quarter there has been less to do for responsibilities. The quarter is winding down and students are leaving for outreach locations. Staff are preparing for outreach and also for the next quarter.
Starting July 7, the new quarter will begin and many students will arrive. I will be a part of a seminar called Circuit riders. The seminar is about returning to the simplicity of the gospel and going forth and sharing it. Circuit riders in history were Methodist preachers that went on a circuit preaching the gospel all around the United States. A very early example in Bible times is Paul the Apostle. When Paul went on his missionary journeys he would travel on a circuit to towns and cities he had visited previously.
For more information on the school you can visit this link: School of the Circuit riders.
I am in the process of raising school fees and staff fees for this coming quarter. If you feel led to partner with me you can through this link http://goo.gl/9yldL. Thanks for your prayer and consideration.
In the mean time you can enjoy my little time at the beach:
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