Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Death and Life

After a week of being in Circuit Riders I have been pulled out and sent to Seoul, Korea for a family emergency.  It was expected but the timing was abrupt.  My grandfather on my father's side is in decline with his health and will be passing away soon.  When I first was told about his condition I was told he wasn't doing well but was stable.  Upon arrival I learned that he is in a coma and slowly slipping towards death. 

I didn't really know him before and its been about 3-4 years since I last saw him.  So I'm not sure how I feel or what to feel.  It is strange to see an old man lying in bed in a sleep-like state and slowly withering away.  Since the last time I've seen him, his muscles have atrophied and he is literally skin and bones.  He isn't gone yet so it seems very strange that I am here for his funeral.  But even in this, the Lord is good.  I'm not sure whether to pray for healing or for him to go and be with God.  So that is a strange feeling as well.

Next week, my grandfather on my mother's side will be celebrating his 90th birthday.  He's a methodist pastor and has an incredible story of life with the Lord.  I am closer to him and would like to be there for his birthday.  The family on my mother's side will all be there from his six daughters, a son, several grand childern and great grand children from all over the country.  At this point I'm not sure if I'll be able to go because of timing and money.  Hopefully I'll have a chance to see him as well.  I know that his time is short and I do not know how much longer he will be with us.

As for the school of the circuit riders.......

(I still need support for the school and other fees and living expenses.  You can donate through the U of N or through this link: Paypal. Thanks)

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